ICLM: Discover, teach, treatI.C. Learning & Memory

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The Huk laboratory investigates a number of topics related to how the primate brain takes sensory information and uses it to guide intelligent actions. In the domain of memory, we are interested in understanding how the brain performs "temporal integration"— converting fleeting sensory signals to accumulated and persistent records and estimates of important properties of the environment. 

Recent publications:

Hyafil A, de la Rocha J, Pericas C, Katz LN, Huk AC, Pillow JW. (2023). Temporal integration is a robust feature of perceptual decisions. Elife. 12:e84045.

Levi AJ, Zhao Y, Park IM, Huk AC. (2023). Sensory and choice responses in MT distinct from motion encoding. J Neurosci. 43(12):2090-2103.

Hart E, Huk AC. (2020). Recurrent circuit dynamics underlie persistent activity in the [...] frontoparietal network. Elife. 9:e52460. 

Huk AC, Hart E. (2019). Parsing signal and noise in the brain. Science. 9;364(6437):236-237.

Knöll J, Pillow JW, Huk AC. Lawful tracking of visual motion in humans [...] in a naturalistic, continuous, and untrained behavioral context. (2018). PNAS. 115(44):E10486-E10494. 

Yates JL, Park IM, Katz LN, Pillow JW, Huk AC. (2017). Functional dissection of signal and noise in MT and LIP during decision-making. Nat Neurosci. 20(9):1285-1292.

Katz LN, Yates JL, Pillow JW, Huk AC. (2016). Dissociated functional significance of decision-related activity in the primate dorsal stream. Nature. 535(7611):285-8.